Sunday 19 August 2012

A History of//Final Idea

From doing my initial research which I was looking into VW campervans, hippie culture and VW events, I found that all the three subjects link together especially the culture side within the different models, this I will take forward and include within my publication, but I want to focus more on the actual history of VW Transporters, which again has grown since me first setting out on just doing the campervan models. 
I have found the the VWs actually fit into the 2nd list more appropriately and this is the information that will be presented more within the publication. How the vehicles changed the lives of them in the era and how they developed to create the vehicles of today.
The VW transporter was the vehicle that created commercial cars, from the very first model it changed the world and was eventually developed into the campervan model, which are the vehicles that are more likely to be recognised and seen on the roads today.


The final product that i am going to produce is a publication.
This publication will be split into different signatures, each signature will represent a different generation of the VW transporter. There will be one at the start explaining the history of VWs and the rest will be specifically on each generation.
The information within the publication is all written by myself, using books and sources on the internet to provide the basic information. I will include photography within the publication which again will be taken by myself.

The publication will have a hard front and back cover made from mount board. Within the publication elements such as photography and illustrations will aid the information and text that will explain the history of VW transporters throughout the ages.

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